Telling stories has been the way we have stayed connected as human beings. We find ourselves in increasingly challenging times, where the feminist movement feels both vital and vulnerable. Despite feeling as though (or perhaps hoping) the #metoo tidal wave may sweep us into a new era of equality, a white man accused of sexual assault has just been elected to the highest court in the U.S. The stories told by those who survived his abuse were heard but were not enough. In the darkness that followed this news, SheCurates found herself at a crossroads. Continue down a path that, without the light of positivity, inevitably leads to a silent fury. Screaming into a void where the violent winds of misogyny whip her words away before they can become stories of change. Or turn towards the light and tread a path illuminated by the voices of activism. In curating and sharing stories of those actively engaged in the fight for equality, we are issuing a feminist call to arms. With the words of their stories as weapons, we hope to hear from feminists all over the world in order to tell one collective story. A meaningful story full of hope, energy, community and solidarity. One that reflects the many different faces of feminism. Perhaps even a story for those who aren't yet feminists to find themselves in. But most importantly, the feminist story that one day ends with change.
Our first story is one of a small French theatre company who devised a play about inequalities and taboos in adolescent life, covering everything from sex; hormones; attraction; consent; bodies and the complexities of desire for both young men and women. Performed and workshopped nationally in schools, the play is their form of activism and represents their desire for change.
So come back and visit us soon to hear this story and their words. In the meantime, to #answerthefeministcall to arms and share a story, use the form on our Contact page or send us an email. Follow us on Instagram @afeministcalltoarms and Twitter @afeministcall.
#feminism #feministactivism #womencan #maleallies #genderequity #fightforgenderequality #answerthefeministcall
